Sunday 24 January 2010

Writers block

There comes a time in every writers life where that have a "writers block", now i dont want to go on and say that i am a great writer and can therefore compare myself to the likes of J.Austin or Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, however when the pressure is on it is on. This particular post is going to have to do untill i find a gripping story to share with you all. This weekend (yesterday in fact) was my grandpaernts 50th wedding anniversary, so I as well as 70+ other guests travelled from different areas of the country, and headed for Liverpool for the commemorative event. It was a really nice evening, and was great to see alot of my family but the event and the build up to it had me thinking... wow... this is actually a real milestone. So many people wont make 50 yrs of marriage for various reasons, either they get married too late or they get married and then divorced or unfortunatley their partner passes away. I feel very privilledged to be able to say that i have two FABULOUS GRANDPARENTS that have reached 50 years of wedded bliss. 76 AND 78 and still going strong. It is a shame that there are not as many couples of this generation that dont view marriage in the same way people did in the 50's and 60's, now a days people just get divorced at the drop of a hat, if only people worked more on their relationships then maybe the society that we live in would function alot better. Britain needs a face lift.

Thats me
i shall be back soon with more fun news to share...
watch this space

Tuesday 12 January 2010

The dreaded question...

There comes a time in a students life when they will face the inevitable question from peers, lecturers, friends, family and even acquaintances. This tends to be in their final year a university or when they are a recent graduate. Its something that not many students feel they know but for some reason everyone else deems it necessary to drag the information out of them... yes you guessed it... "what do you want to do when you graduate?" (and cue screeching violins). People please please understand that unless someone is studying a specific course like Journalism, medicine or Dentistry.... most of us have no real concrete idea about what we want to do with the rest of our lives. Take me for example, a final year student studying Marketing and Management a university, my overall plan is to change the way black people are perceived in this country, get more adverts out to the general public about products used by black people, i also want to have my own events company, be in radio, film, and something to do with music wouldn't really hurt either... oh and also what about the idea of making film trailers?.. You see such a confused answer, because most of the time we are confused about what our short term plan is our self. Asking us what we want to do when we graduate when we have no clue or so many different ideas, only makes us more nervous at the fact that we aren't prepared ourselves... everyone has helpful suggestions or "words of wisdom", but lets face it more often than none its just what other people wanted to do but didn't get a chance to and they want to find a way of making it "work" for you. The answer is... I DON'T KNOW. Please let us deal with our finals and dissertation submission and other various deadlines to which we need to keep... When i have decided i shall shout it from the roof tops, the light bulb in my head will switch on, the clouds will part and the sun shall shine through, and in my head i shall hear a chorus of people singing "hallelujah"... but until then stop asking US the question lol. Find another ice breaker, point of interest...after all how annoyed are you when people keep on asking "oh so how is work going"

that's me
I'm out
Moi :p

A welcome to the world of blogging

Well where to begin? I am currently revising for a very important exam that i have on friday about international business management and then the though hit me... why don't i write my own blog? Now i know that this may seem a bit taboo, you girl wishes to write and can' find any other avenue to do so but to annoy people in blogging, but the truth of the matter is if you don't like it you wont read it so... there is no real problem:). If Julie can write a blog about all her experiences whilst cooking Julia Childs recipies then I to Christina, final year student at Newcastle university UK can do the same.
Yes onwards and upwards from here.
I am not etirely sure as of yet what to include in this blog, but fear not as all shall be unveiled over time. My dreams of becoming a budding journalist start here and there in the words of McFadden and Whitehead "aint no stopping [me]now...[i'm]on the move".
So i welcome myself To the blogging world and shall see what alll the hype is about. Will it really be a venue in which i can vent all the fustrations of a young student, girlfriend, friend,daughter and sister... or will it be another thing i give up on? Only time will tell... Who knows i may be the next...Perez...? no a little more sophistication (although who doesn't love a little gosip now and then)
For now its adios from me but fear not i shall be back with oh so much more
Your faithfully

Chrissy R :)