Tuesday 12 January 2010

A welcome to the world of blogging

Well where to begin? I am currently revising for a very important exam that i have on friday about international business management and then the though hit me... why don't i write my own blog? Now i know that this may seem a bit taboo, you girl wishes to write and can' find any other avenue to do so but to annoy people in blogging, but the truth of the matter is if you don't like it you wont read it so... there is no real problem:). If Julie can write a blog about all her experiences whilst cooking Julia Childs recipies then I to Christina, final year student at Newcastle university UK can do the same.
Yes onwards and upwards from here.
I am not etirely sure as of yet what to include in this blog, but fear not as all shall be unveiled over time. My dreams of becoming a budding journalist start here and there in the words of McFadden and Whitehead "aint no stopping [me]now...[i'm]on the move".
So i welcome myself To the blogging world and shall see what alll the hype is about. Will it really be a venue in which i can vent all the fustrations of a young student, girlfriend, friend,daughter and sister... or will it be another thing i give up on? Only time will tell... Who knows i may be the next...Perez...? no a little more sophistication (although who doesn't love a little gosip now and then)
For now its adios from me but fear not i shall be back with oh so much more
Your faithfully

Chrissy R :)

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